Transforming life’s interruptions into creative grist.


Our Mission


Founded by writer Suleika Jaouad, the Isolation Journals is an artist-led community and publishing platform that cultivates creativity and fosters connection in challenging times. 

Each week we send out a journaling prompt from some of the world’s most renowned writers, celebrated artists, inspiring community leaders and unsung heroes. The Isolation Journals began during the coronavirus pandemic, and from our community of 100,000 participants, we have built a living archive of human creativity to document an unforgettable era. We believe in the power of creative expression to edify, heal, and unite.

It’s free and all are welcome.

Our past contributors include

Rachel Cargle is a Black American author, academic, speaker, and activist known for her involvement in anti-racism work.
Margaret Rogers is an American singer-songwriter and record producer from Easton, Talbot County, Maryland.
Esmé Weijun Wang is a Taiwanese-American writer. She is the author of The Border of Paradise and The Collected Schizophrenias.
Jon Batiste is an American musician, bandleader, and television personality.
Elizabeth Gilbert is an American journalist and author.