Isolation Journal No.1

Isolation Journal No.1
Back by popular demand: Our custom-designed Isolation Journal No. 1! With a stunning cover inspired by Suleika’s mother’s paint palette, it’s both an object d’art and a practical tool for writing. Inside is our Isolation Journals manifesto—a prose poem to remind you of everything this journal can hold and the places it can take you.
On Keeping a Journal
I reach for the page like I reach for prayer: to plead, to confess, to commune, to remember that all is not chaos, all is not lost.
I reach for it like a reporter’s pad: to record something overheard, something glimpsed, some stray thought I don’t want to forget.
I reach for it like a friend: for company, for counsel. I tell my journal what knots I’m in, and together we untangle the threads. I murmur my dreams and together we arc towards them.
I make of this writing a ritual: to mark the thresholds, to traverse the valleys and the peaks, to honor the space between no longer and not yet.
The journal is oceanic. It is capacious. It is memory, reverie, distillation. It teaches me to pay attention, to examine, to reflect, to play.
The journal is tabula rasa and terra incognita. It is a mirror for the self—past, present, and future—and a portal onto the not yet known. It is refuge: a hiding place, a finding place.
Here I create myself. Here I write my way through.
• Easy-to-carry size (5 ¾ X 8 ¼ in)
• Hard cover
• 175 pages
• Sturdy, ink-bleed proof paper
• Dot-grid sheet style
• Numbered for easy indexing
• Two ribbon page markers
• Isolation Journals manifesto printed inside