
For clarity, inspiration, and connection in 2021 


From January 1 - 10, we’ll be sending out daily journaling prompts. It’s free and all are welcome!

If you’re a first-time journaler or just looking to recommit to a daily routine, this is for you. Our New Year’s Challenge is for anyone seeking connection, inspiration, and a consistent practice in these difficult times. 


Hear from a different artist, community leader, or unsung hero every day. 

To inspire your practice, we’ve lined up an exciting range of new contributors, including a Native American spiritual leader, a creative life coach, and a much-beloved movie star. For an extra boost, invite your friends and family to join too! 

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Journaling is a hiding place and a finding place. 

Touted by both mental health professionals and physicians for its positive benefits on mind and body, a journaling practice is an invaluable tool when navigating life’s challenges and transitions. It’s also an opportunity for creative expression and personal discovery. 

Try it for ten days and see what you think! 


Join the New Year's 10-Day Challenge

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